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Data Acquisition

The twilite data acquisition is driven by the dedicated PMOD PSAMPLE tool. The module is started by activating the corresponding button Button_configuration in the PMOD Toolbox.

The acquisition interface is organized in two panels as shown below: the Measurement Device(s) page and Combined View (All devices) page.

The Measurements Device(s) page consists of a wide display area and a configuration and control area. The measurement data are displayed as time activity curves (TAC) in counts/sec over time.


The various facilities buttons are summarized in the table below:


Configuration button: allows the configuration of up to 3 devices.


Normalization: displays all curves normalized to 1


Autoscale: if ON automatically adjusts the curves ranges on the display, on both the X and the Y axes


Update checkbox: if enabled, automatically updates the display during the acquisition.


Corrections: link button that allows sending directly the acquired curve(s) to the PSAMPLE Correction tool.


PMOD Icon: activate the PMOD Main Toolbox from where each PMOD module can be started.


Clear: is the button dedicated for the buffer cleaning.


Clear checkbox: if enabled, clear the buffer on start. In particular, upon the re-start of an experiment the acquisition will overwrite the existing measurements. Contrary, if disabled, the acquisition will continue from the moment the experiment was stopped.


Capture: creates a capture of the entire screen and adds it to a buffer of up to 20 captures.


Console: opens the console dialog window.


The End By supports two setting options:

  • User: allows stopping the acquisition any time upon activation of the STOP button;
  • Time: the user can set up the time, in minutes, at which the experiment will automatically stop.


Device Info: displays the set up configuration for the device;

Hide/Show Controls: when shown allows enabling/disabling the channels signal to be displayed.

Define/Save Protocol: is the dedicated selection for the definition of the acquisition protocol.

Load Protocol: a protocol previously saved can be retrieved and applied to a new acquisition.

ACQ_Start, ACQ_Start_All

Start button: upon activation starts the acquisition for the configured device. The Start All allows starting simultaneously the acquisition in case multiple devices are configured.

ACQ_Stop, ACQ_Stop_All

Stop button: if selected the acquisition is stopped. The Stop All button allows ending simultaneously the acquisition for multiple devices.

The Combined View (All devices) page has a layout similar to the first panel. This page is not accessible, if only one device (e.g. Twilite) is used and configured. In contrast, when multiple devices are configured, the window becomes active. Thus, at the end of the acquisition, the results can be easily inspected. The shapes of different dynamic range can be compared by normalizing each curve to its own maximum. This can be easily achieved upon activation of the Normalize curves display button Button_normalization_to_1_display, located on the bottom line in the display control area. In the graphic area, only the curves enabled for display are shown.


In This Section

Data Acquisition

Demo Mode