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Global Configuration with Config Button

Use the
Users Button
on the PMOD toolbar to show the general configuration dialog.

Many PMOD functionalities are programmed as plug-ins. Most of these plug-ins are initially installed, but they can be removed or rearranged for each user account with the different tabs. The procedure is always the same and is explained with the plug-ins (the models) of the kinetic modeling tool PKIN.

PKIN Models

When the PKIN models tab is selected, the list of the currently installed model plug-ins is shown. The entries represent the file names of the plug-ins, not the name which is shown in the model selection of the PKIN tool.

To modify the order how the models appear in the PKIN application please select an entry and move it up/down using the arrows to the right. The ? button shows a quick model explanation.

Configuration PKIN Models

To remove a model from the list just select its list entry and activate Remove. To add a model back to the list use the Add new button. The appearing dialog allows selecting one or more plug-in(s) and adding them by the Ok button.

Configuration Add PKIN Model

Contents of the different Plug-In Tabs


Configuration of filters usable during loading.

PXMOD models

Configuration of the models which appear in the pixel-wise modeling (PXMOD) tool.

PKIN models

Configuration of the kinetic models which appear in the modeling tool for time-activity curves (PKIN).

PKIN blood models

Configuration of the models for blood data in the modeling tool for time-activity curves (PKIN).

READ/WRITE plug-ins

Configuration of the image data file formats. Note that only a subset ot the formats can be written.


Color Tables

Configuration of user-defined color tables. These files must be

  • located in the resources/colortables sub-directory (see the examples there),
  • text files ending in .cltb, and
  • contain 3 columns with the RGB values such as
    # R G B
    0 0 0
    0 2 2
    0 4 4

System color tables can not be removed or rearranged.