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DICOM Server Starting

The PMOD DICOM server is a background process. It can be started in one of the following ways:

  1. Automatically: If Start automatically has been configured in the DICOM Server configuration page the DICOM server is started each time a user logs in.
  2. Manually from the PMOD ToolBox: If automatic starting is not enabled, the DICOM server can be launched explicitly with the Button DICOM button on the ToolBox.
    If the Button DICOM button is activated while the DICOM server is running, it displays the DICOM server status in a dialog window, for example:
    DICOM Server Summary Dialog

    The configured DICOM Servers are available on the list and can be switched ON or OFF. To modify a DICOM server status, first select the corresponding server from the list and activate the appropiate button: Start selected server(s) to switch ON or Stop selected server(s) to switch OFF.
    Note: When the color of the Button DICOM button changes to blue, a DICOM request is being served. The color changes back after all communications have completed. The configured DICOM Servers are available on the list and can be switched ON or OFF

  3. By running a command script: The script for starting the PMOD DICOM server is specific for the operating system platform. A start script RunDcmSvr with the default configuration is created at installation time in the Start directory. Scripts with a different configuration can easily be generated on the DICOM Server Configuration panel. As an example, a generated Windows RunDcmSvr script contains the following commands:

    cd C:\Pmod3.4\

    .\java\jre\bin\java -Xmx1000M -jar pdcmsvr.jar -port[4032] -aet[PMOD] -std -defaultTransferSyntax -tmpsa[C:/Pmod3.4/data/dicom/tmp/] -deltmp -conv[database@Pmod] -ansQuery[Database@Pmod]

    Only one DICOM server can be run with a single port. Therefore, an error message is displayed when an attempt is done to start it multiple times. However, this will not affect the running server.