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General Overview

R is a comprehensive statistical environment and programming language especially suitable for data analysis and graphical display. Functions and results of analysis are all stored as objects, allowing easy function modification and model building. R provides the language, tool, and environment in one convenient package.

The R software is very flexible and highly customizable. Excellent graphical tools make R an ideal environment for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Since most high level functions are written in R language itself, the language can be learned by studying the function code.

The PMOD R console provides PMOD integration with R package using R. The connection to R instance with the active Rserve is required in order to assure the correct functionality.

Note: The Windows version of Rserve is limited compared to the version provided for Unix. Therefore, it is recommended using the UNIX or MacOS version.

The PMOD installation is configured to use the R demo server hosted by PMOD. The default configuration can be used for testing purposes. However, it is not intended for heavy processing. We recommend to use a dedicated R installation in order to guarantee full performance during calculations. R configuration can be performed in the Users configuration window, SETTINGS/STAT tab:

R Configuration

Detailed information about R configuration is available upon activation of the ? button located aside to R Server box.

It is recommended to switch on the Enhanced output format and Enhanced aggregation format in order to secure the best results. The legacy format is available for compatibility reasons for external scripts, macros, etc.