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Cynomolgus Monkey Template

For the analysis of cynomolgus monkey (Macaca Fascialis) brain data the VOI template Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN [1] is available. We would like to thank Elena Prieto and Maria Collantes from the Centro for providing the data and helping with the integrations.

Spatial Normalization

A T1-weighted MRI normalization template created from 15 healthy animals is directly available in the menu of the fusion tool as Fusion/File/Load User Template: Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN-MRI.

Two PET templates in the same space as are also available: Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN-Dopa and Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN-DTBZ. They can be loaded as a reference for normalization from Fusion/File/Load Reference Data/Autodetect from the resources/templates/usertemplates/Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN directory.

VOI Template

The VOI template Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN can be selected in the list of included template VOIs. The VOIs were hand drawn in the striatum (VOI size 400 mm3) and occipital lobe (VOI size 310 mm3) on axial MRI slices based on anatomical borders. The corresponding files can be found in the resources/templates/voitemplates/Cynomolgus_CIMA-UN directory.


[1] Collantes M, Prieto E, Penuelas I, Blesa J, Juri C, Marti-Climent JM, Quincoces G, Arbizu J, Riverol M, Zubieta JL, Rodriguez-Oroz MC, Luquin MR, Richter JA, Obeso JA. New MRI, 18F-DOPA and 11C-(+)-alpha-dihydrotetrabenazine templates for Macaca fascicularis neuroimaging: advantages to improve PET quantification. Neuroimage. 2009;47(2):533-9.