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Card. Rb-82 (1 Compartment)

The model has the standard 1-compartment form

with the differential equation

Equation Rb 1Compartment

The equation assumes that the activity in the left ventricle Clv(t) is used as the input curve.

Rb is known to have a flow-dependent extraction fraction, so that K1 , which is the product of flow F times extraction fraction E, is described by the expression

Equation Rb 1 Compartment K1

The values of the correction factors reported by Lortie et al. [44] are

A = 0.77
B = 0.63 [ml/min/g]

The model implements a geometric double spillover correction for activity from the left and right ventricle in the form

Equation Rb 1 Compartment Op

Vlv = spill-over fraction of the blood activity in the left ventricle Clv(t),
Vrv = spill-over fraction of the blood activity in the right ventricle Crv(t) .

Implementation Notes:

This model is also usable in the cardiac modeling tool PCARDP.