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DICOM Server Starting

There are two ways of starting the DICOM server, as part of a PMOD processing session, or as a standalone process running independently. The latter has the advantage, that images can be received while PMOD is not in active use.

Interactive Starting

When the starting option is switched to Start automatically, the DICOM server is started with PMOD, and also stopped with it. Otherwise, with the Stand alone option, the DICOM server has to be started explicitly. With PMOD is running, this can be done with the DICOM button in the ToolBox.

It displays the status of the configured DICOM servers in a dialog window, for example:
DICOM Server Summary Dialog

Each server can be individually started and stopped by selecting it in the list and using the corresponding buttons.

Script Starting

Alternatively, the RunDcmSvr script in the Start directory can be started by double-clicking. This script is generated during the installation and represents the default DICOM server configuration. If any DICOM server setting has been changed, a new script should be generated with the Save Starting Script button. It shows a dialog window with the contents of the script as illustrated below.

A DICOM server offers the following debug options: