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Handy Image Processing Tools

The processing tools pane offers a substantial range of image transformation methods.

The operation principle is that the user selects a particular method by the sub-tab, configures the parameters in the pane, and then activates the Run button. In case the replace Rpl box is checked, the original data will be overwritten, otherwise a new series is created and added to the list.

Note the Button Save button which allows selecting a data format using the arrow down button, and save the image data of the current tab. This save button is missing in the PVIEW tool because the images can be saved using the standard saving button of the tool.

Flt (Filter)

The following image filters are available:

  • Gaussian smoothing 3D filter with a full-width at half maximum (FWHM) in mm;
  • Median smoothing 3D filter with a width in mm;
  • Canny Deriche 2D edge enhancing filter;
  • Median Frames 1D smoothing filter in the time domain.

Avr (Average)

Tool Scale

There are two variants available:

  • Averaging of a range of Frames of a dynamic series.there are two weighting options: divided by time sum T (time weighted) or divided by number of frames N (means).
  • Averaging of a contiguous range of Slices.

Scl (Scale)

Tool Scaling

There are five variants for scaling the pixel values which can be selected from the list

  • *: multiply with a constant and optionally add an offset;
  • /: divide by a constant and optionally add an offset;
  • ->1: transform the value range to the interval [0,1];
  • ->255: transform the value range to the interval [0,255];
  • /VOI: divide by a VOI average; the VOI has to be saved beforehand and needs to be selected.

If Set units is enabled, units appropriate for the scaled image can be selected from the units list.

Rpl (Replace)

Tool Replace

This function is for replacing pixel values which satisfy a certain condition by a constant. The available criteria are

larger than (>), equal to (=), smaller than (<) within an interval (> <), absolute value larger than (|v|>), absolute value smaller than (|v|<), respectively.

Rdc (Reduce)

Tool Reduce

Simple function for reducing the number of pixels in each direction. This function is intended for situations where the number of pixels is divisible without remainder by the selected reduction factor. If this is not the case, a warning is shown indicating that the bounding box is changed by the operation, and the Interpolation function of the External tools should rather be applied.