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Data Loading/Saving

There are different model configurations which may require both blood and tissue data, or only tissue data.

Tissue Activity Data

Tissue TAC data can most easily be brought into PKIN by outlining VOIs in the PVIEW tool and sending the time-activity information in the different VOIs directly to PKIN. This approach has the advantage that the standard deviations within the VOIs, demographic and activity-related information are also transferred. As an alternative, the TAC information can be prepared in a text file and loaded.

Blood Data

The blood information is typically the result of taking wet blood samples, plasma separation, metabolite analysis and activity counting in a separate device. In these cases the measurement results must be arranged properly in a text file and loaded. If the separation of tracer metabolites in blood is not necessary or can be achieved by multiplication with a correction function, and blood activity can be derived directly from the images (eg. in cardiac studies), it is also possible to use the VOI approach.

Composite .km File

Loading and processing of a study results in a workspace consisting of measured data and various model configurations. Such a whole workspace can be saved in a comprehensive text file with suffix .km. When loading a .km file the state of the previous processing is fully restored with the exception of the display settings.

Data Organization

Several data sets can be processed in parallel. They are shown on separate pages in the PKIN tool, with selection through the upper tabs. The New study entry in the Kinetic can be used for creating a new empty data set, to which the blood and tissue measurements can be loaded. The same result can be obtained with the tab. The Load entries overwrite the information in the currently selected data set. With Add KM file a complete study can be loaded into a newly created tab without overwriting existing data.