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Model Fitting History

The system maintains a history of model configurations for each region. All operations, which change the model configuration result in a new entry in the history list. This functionality is accessible by the user interface elements right to the model configuration

Switches to the previous model configuration in the history list.

Adds the current model configuration to the list.

Switches to the following model configuration in the list.

Clears all history entries.

Shows the history window.

The history list is shown in a dialog window as illustrated below. The upper part lists the model configurations, initially in chronological order, and in the lower part statistics per parameter column. The smallest number per column is encoded in green, the largest in red. Columns having a constant value are encoded in blue. The list can be flexibly sorted by clicking on the column headers.

Type indicates by what process the configuration was added. Model configurations can be removed by selecting them in the list and activating the Delete button. To restore a model configuration double-click the list entry or mark it in the list and activate the Select button. Copy to Clipboard copies the window contents, so that it can be pasted into another application for further analysis. Close just closes the window.

Note that the parameters of the different models are sorted into appropriate columns. For instance, Vt resulting from the different compartment models appear in the same column so that they can easily be compared. The user can change the order of the columns by dragging the column headers left or right.

CAUTION: This history mechanism does not account for changes in the configuration of the blood-related models, except for the blood delay. However, it includes the definition of the residual weighting, the valid points, and the tissue TAC values.