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PMOD R Overview

There are different types of files that can be send to the PMOD R interface:

  1. Image file using the R console option in the External Tools.
  2. Statistics file: 3D statistics and 4D statistics (described in the Statistic section of this book).
  3. Aggregated files (described above).

Load Aggregated File

Use the View aggregated functionality available on the lateral taskbar to load an aggregated file. Upon retrieval, a dialog window opens and allows inspecting the aggregation results. The statistic individual files are available for inspection in the Statistic set selection list. Additional aggregates can be retrieved using the Add group button. Each aggregated file is loaded in a separate tab and is considered a new Group.

Load AggregatedFiles

The Go to R button initiate the transfer of the data to the PMOD R statistic interface

PMOD R Interface

The PMOD R interface opens while loading the default setting and the retrieved data.


The top toolbar is organized in 3 sections:


Allows extracting subsets of data from the aggregated file based on predefined commands. The predefined commands are available for selection with the small arrow closed to the button.


Note that each time a new variable is created it is automatically added to the workspace variable list.


Allows listing the data available in the workspace. The example below shows the workspace variable available when loading e.g. three aggregated files.



Allows executing the instruction in the command line.


When checked, allows clearing automatically the command console when the instructions are executed.


Allows previewing of the data frame from the workspace.

There are four main windows available in the PMOD R Interface and a common detachable taskbar:

  1. The PMOD R Command window, usually initially displayed, is accessible by activating the dedicated Command icon ButtonRCommandPane and has its own dedicated toolbar: RCommandToolBar
  2. The PMOD R Plot window accessible by activating the Plot icon RPlotIcon.
  3. The PMOD R Table window accessible by activating the Table icon RExeTableIcon. RTableToolBar
  4. The PMOD R Image window accessible by activating the Image icon R IMageIcon. RIMageToolBar

The characteristics of the taskbar and of the PMOD R windows are described below.